Hofmann Engineering Chile Ltda., Chile (Antofagasta)
Since the 1990's Hofmann Engineering has been supplying parts and services to Chile, starting with a project for Minera Escondida of BHP Billiton. In the following years Hofmann Engineering has increased their presence in the region and developed business relationships with many other customers in Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Mexico and Brazil. Today Hofmann Engineering is an established player who provides manufacturing, machining, maintenance and repair services for a large range of products, with a recognized expertise and with proven results in the market of South America.
In April 2011, Hofmann Engineering Sudamerica (HESA) began operations in Chile. In March 2016 HESA commenced operation of its new Workshop, Service Centre and Offices in Antofagasta, Chile. The Hofmann Engineering Group purchased some 20,000m2 of land in the area of Antofagasta, Chile for the new development. The new facility is designed to rebuild and service all Hofmann Engineering products and components for our customers. The operation offers general machining, gearbox rebuilds & service facilities, parts storage, sales and onsite services.
The new Workshop & Service Centre is designed to further reinforce Hofmann’s footprint in the region and to cope with the growing demand from our customers for component improvement, manufacturing and service support. Hofmann Engineering has established itself as a technically and commercially attractive alternative to the OEMs.
Hofmann Engineering Chile (HECL) as it is called today consists of a team of 12 professionals who provide our company with the required skills to keep growing Hofmann Engineering’s reputation for high quality, precision and engineering improvement.
Specialising in:
- General Machining
- Precision Gearbox Rebuild Centre
- Shovel – Truck – Crusher – Mill Components
- Onsite Machining and installation service
- Parts Storage
- Sales

Ruta 26 Km 13, Calle Los Copihues S/N
Office: (+56) (55) 251 7200
Email: Chile@hofmannengineering.com